
Sivan Pearl, Gabay, Chana , Kishony, Roy , Oppenheim, Amos , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2008. Nongenetic Individuality In The Host–Phage Interaction. Plos Biology, 6, 5, Pp. e120.
Orit Gefen, Gabay, Chana , Mumcuoglu, Michael , Engel, Giora , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2008. Single-Cell Protein Induction Dynamics Reveals A Period Of Vulnerability To Antibiotics In Persister Bacteria. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 105, 16, Pp. 6145–6149.
Adiel Loinger, Lipshtat, Azi , Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Biham, Ofer . 2007. Stochastic Simulations Of Genetic Switch Systems. Physical Review E, 75, 2, Pp. 021904.
Nathalie Q Balaban, Schwarz, Ulrich S, and Geiger, Benjamin . 2006. Forces Using Patterned Elastomer. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, 2, Pp. 419.
Azi Lipshtat, Loinger, Adiel , Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Biham, Ofer . 2006. Genetic Toggle Switch Without Cooperative Binding. Physical Review Letters, 96, 18, Pp. 188101.
Nathalie Q Balaban, Schwarz, Ulrich S, and Geiger, Benjamin . 2006. Measurement Of Cellular Contractile Forces Using Patterned Elastomer. In Cell Biology, Pp. 419–424. Elsevier.
Edo Kussell, Kishony, Roy , Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Leibler, Stanislas . 2005. Bacterial Persistence: A Model Of Survival In Changing Environments. Genetics, 169, 4, Pp. 1807–1814.
Azi Lipshtat, Perets, Hagai B, Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Biham, Ofer . 2005. Modeling Of Negative Autoregulated Genetic Networks In Single Cells. Gene, 347, 2, Pp. 265–271.
Nathalie Q Balaban. 2005. Szilard's Dream. Nature Methods, 2, 9, Pp. 648–649.
Nathalie Q Balaban, Merrin, Jack , Chait, Remy , Kowalik, Lukasz , and Leibler, Stanislas . 2004. Bacterial Persistence As A Phenotypic Switch. Science, 305, 5690, Pp. 1622–1625.
Alexander D Bershadsky, Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Geiger, Benjamin . 2003. Adhesion-Dependent Cell Mechanosensitivity. Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology, 19, 1, Pp. 677–695.
Ulrich S Schwarz, Balaban, NQ , Riveline, D, Addadi, Lia , Bershadsky, A, SAFRAN, SA , and Geiger, Benjamin . 2003. Measurement Of Cellular Forces At Focal Adhesions Using Elastic Micro-Patterned Substrates. Materials Science And Engineering: C, 23, 3, Pp. 387–394.
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Daniel Riveline, Zamir, Eli , Balaban, Nathalie Q, Schwarz, Ulrich S, Ishizaki, Toshimasa , Narumiya, Shuh , Kam, Zvi , Geiger, Benjamin , and Bershadsky, Alexander D. 2001. Focal Contacts As Mechanosensors: Externally Applied Local Mechanical Force Induces Growth Of Focal Contacts By An Mdia1-Dependent And Rock-Independent Mechanism. The Journal Of Cell Biology, 153, 6, Pp. 1175–1186.
Nathalie Q Balaban, Schwarz, Ulrich S, Riveline, Daniel , Goichberg, Polina , Tzur, Gila , Sabanay, Ilana , Mahalu, Diana , Safran, Sam , Bershadsky, Alexander , Addadi, Lia , and others, . 2001. Force And Focal Adhesion Assembly: A Close Relationship Studied Using Elastic Micropatterned Substrates. Nature Cell Biology, 3, 5, Pp. 466–472.
D Riveline, Zamir, E, Balaban, NQ , Kam, Z, Geiger, B, and Bershadsky, AD . 1999. Focal Contact As Mechanosensor: Directional Growth In Response To Local Strain.. In Molecular Biology Of The Cell, 10:Pp. 341A–341A. AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY PUBL OFFICE, 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, MD 20814 USA.
NQ Balaban, Meirav, U, and Bar-Joseph, Israel . 1998. Absence Of Scaling In The Integer Quantum Hall Effect. Physical Review Letters, 81, 22, Pp. 4967.
NQ Balaban, Meirav, U, Shtrikman, Hadas , and Umansky, V. 1998. High Frequency Edge Excitations In The Quantum Hall Regime. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 249, Pp. 435–439.
NQ Balaban, Meirav, U, Shtrikman, Hadas , and Umansky, V. 1997. Observation Of The Logarithmic Dispersion Of High-Frequency Edge Excitations. Physical Review B, 55, 20, Pp. R13397.
NQ Balaban, Meirav, U, and Shtrikman, Hadas . 1995. Crossover Between Different Regimes Of Current Distribution In The Quantum Hall Effect. Physical Review B, 52, 8, Pp. R5503.