
Orit Gefen, Chekol, Betty , Strahilevitz, Jacob , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2017. Tdtest: Easy Detection Of Bacterial Tolerance And Persistence In Clinical Isolates By A Modified Disk-Diffusion Assay. Scientific Reports, 7, 1, Pp. 1–9.
I Levin-Reisman, Gefen, O, and Balaban, NQ . 2017. Tolerance And Persistence Promote The Evolution Of Antibiotic Resistance. In European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters, 46:Pp. S73–S73. SPRINGER 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA.
Asher Brauner, Fridman, Ofer , Gefen, Orit , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2016. Distinguishing Between Resistance, Tolerance And Persistence To Antibiotic Treatment. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 14, 5, Pp. 320–330.
Sivan Pearl Mizrahi, Sandler, Oded , Lande-Diner, Laura , Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Simon, Itamar . 2016. Distinguishing Between Stochasticity And Determinism: Examples From Cell Cycle Duration Variability. Bioessays, 38, 1, Pp. 8–13.
Sivan Pearl Mizrahi, Gefen, Orit , Simon, Itamar , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2016. Persistence To Anti-Cancer Treatments In The Stationary To Proliferating Transition. Cell Cycle, 15, 24, Pp. 3442–3453.
Irit Levin-Reisman and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2016. Quantitative Measurements Of Type I And Type Ii Persisters Using Scanlag. Bacterial Persistence: Methods And Protocols, Pp. 75–81.
Orit Gefen, Fridman, Ofer , Ronin, Irine , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2014. Direct Observation Of Single Stationary-Phase Bacteria Reveals A Surprisingly Long Period Of Constant Protein Production Activity. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 111, 1, Pp. 556–561.
Ofer Fridman, Goldberg, Amir , Ronin, Irine , Shoresh, Noam , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2014. Optimization Of Lag Time Underlies Antibiotic Tolerance In Evolved Bacterial Populations. Nature, 513, 7518, Pp. 418–421.
Irit Levin-Reisman, Fridman, Ofer , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2014. Scanlag: High-Throughput Quantification Of Colony Growth And Lag Time. Journal Of Visualized Experiments: Jove, 89.
Amir Goldberg, Fridman, Ofer , Ronin, Irine , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2014. Systematic Identification And Quantification Of Phase Variation In Commensal And Pathogenic Escherichia Coli. Genome Medicine, 6, 11, Pp. 1–11.
Ilana Kaspy, Rotem, Eitan , Weiss, Noga , Ronin, Irine , Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Glaser, Gad . 2013. Hipa-Mediated Antibiotic Persistence Via Phosphorylation Of The Glutamyl-Trna-Synthetase. Nature Communications, 4, 1, Pp. 3001.
Nathalie Q Balaban, Gerdes, Kenn , Lewis, Kim , and McKinney, John D. 2013. A Problem Of Persistence: Still More Questions Than Answers?. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 11, 8, Pp. 587–591.
Matan Sorek, Balaban, Nathalie Q, and Loewenstein, Yonatan . 2013. Stochasticity, Bistability And The Wisdom Of Crowds: A Model For Associative Learning In Genetic Regulatory Networks. Plos Computational Biology, 9, 8, Pp. e1003179.
Ofer Fridman, Goldberg, Amir , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2012. Whack-An-E. Coli With The Morbidostat. Genome Biology, 13, Pp. 1–3.
Sivan Pearl, Oppenheim, Amos , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2011. Epigenetic Variability In A Predator-Prey System. Transformations Of Lamarckism: From Subtle Fluids To Molecular Biology, Pp. 205.
NQ Balaban. 2011. Persistence: Mechanisms For Triggering And Enhancing Phenotypic Variability. Current Opinion In Genetics & Development, 21, 6, Pp. 768–775.
Irit Levin-Reisman, Gefen, Orit , Fridman, Ofer , Ronin, Irine , Shwa, David , Sheftel, Hila , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2010. Automated Imaging With Scanlag Reveals Previously Undetectable Bacterial Growth Phenotypes. Nature Methods, 7, 9, Pp. 737–739.
Eitan Rotem, Loinger, Adiel , Ronin, Irine , Levin-Reisman, Irit , Gabay, Chana , Shoresh, Noam , Biham, Ofer , and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2010. Regulation Of Phenotypic Variability By A Threshold-Based Mechanism Underlies Bacterial Persistence. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 107, 28, Pp. 12541–12546.
Orit Gefen and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2009. The Importance Of Being Persistent: Heterogeneity Of Bacterial Populations Under Antibiotic Stress. Fems Microbiology Reviews, 33, 4, Pp. 704–717.
Orit Gefen and Balaban, Nathalie Q. 2008. The Moore's Law Of Microbiology–Towards Bacterial Culture Miniaturization With The Micro-Petri Chip. Trends In Biotechnology, 26, 7, Pp. 345–347.