PhD student, joint with Prof. Oded Agam
Biological systems are extremely complex, many body interacting systems that pose a great challenge to understand through the eyes of a physicist. I am interested in the underlying structure of the cellular network of interactions that is crucial for life in all its varied forms. Is it possible, under certain circumstances, to model these interactions as random networks and to make predictions about the real biological system? What would the architecture of such a network teach us about living cells? Can it be, that randomness and low levels of regulation were adapted by bacteria over billions of years of evolution in order to allow the population to persist after an acute stress?
I received my B.Sc. in Physics from the Hebrew University and later continued to an M.Sc. in experimental condensed matter with Dr. Yonathan Anahory (HUJI). I joined Prof. Nathalie Balaban’s lab in late 2022, in collaboration with Prof. Oded Agam for my PhD studies.